Monday, June 22, 2015

What's been going on lately

Yesterday was fathers day and it been over a mouth sits my dad has past on to the next world. The only reason why I'm bring this up. Because I has seen Markiplier 8 million reaction video. and this video hits nearly close to home for me. My father and my mother are in the next world. I know my father for all my life until May 13 2015. My mother pass back in 2003 from cancer. So Mark if you ever see this post, just you know that your videos help my few this ruff path in my life and I would thank you, Jack, and many others for making videos.

Like always I'm James Cribb and there are videos on the way.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Things Are Still Green And Go

After last time about what have happen on YouTube. Things are back to normal and I don't see things that hold on the first movie review. So when I get the review done I will upload on my personal channel, if you folks like the review I bring out an other one soon after.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Is YouTube Dead or A Glig in the steam

I went on YouTube and the was just a blink screen. So I look up a video, same thing. So is this a glig or someone bring down site. So I don't know about this or what going on? So I don't know if things go back to normal or the site is down for good.

Everything Is fix for now. It was just a glig.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Why? Mark Why?

Why I ask because Markiplier played a game about taking a crap and your doing over the eage of a building.

Here is the video

I don't know who came up with the idea of this game? They are really must up in the hand.

I'm James Cribb, I have some how this game got green lighted in the first place.

Friday, January 16, 2015

World's Largest Treadmill Dance ( A damn good time)

So I watching a YouTube video when this came on.

My god this video is a damn good time, it make me want to dance to the music and run on a treadmill if I have one. 

This remanding of one video with treadmills, I don;t remember the name. It just like that, but must bigger scale. The music is very good that makes you want to dance to it. The video is short and sweet. So go see you want be disappoint.

I'm James Cribb and there are more videos on the way. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Now when I first seen this video is on The Fins Bros you tuber React. From what I have seen on the video I when like, WHAT THE F#$K! here is the link: YouTubers React to MEMEME!

So I got thinking, So I when to see the full video and that is still the mest up think I have. If you want to see it, just watch it at your own risk: MEMEME full video

Now this video when I first seen it. It was someone have the high that he had. Form what was showed it was somebody that got high from the most powerful drugs know to man.

That of chorse that the blue hair girls didn't help with that. When the video going from sweet to dark and red town with a flour eye beast. The stuff that get through at you is being mind fuck until it go's back to the room and I though that it was over. Until the flour eye demon comes out of the computer and pucks in to his mouth and back in drug land we go. Until we met is ex-girlfriend crying off. and the guy on the other side just walk off to with his fanisty and blue hair girls.

We find out in fanisty is tearing him apart and try's fights back. Then video go's first person shooter on us. Then we club scene with then four eye demon, blue hair girls and his ex.

The ending is that the blue hair end up attacking the ex by hard to say boob guns, going Aultan Powers on us. So the end killing her, they and the flour eye demon coming after him and his head come's off hitting the floor and he wake's up in his room.

So what do I think of it? It the most mest up thing I have seen, And I like it. Let me tell you way video is about trying to let go of your addictions like drugs, porn, internet and some other things that tears you up from the inside.

So if want to see more reaction video about this video you can up on YouTube or some other way.

Now if this was on the drug PSA videos back 80's and 90's. There would be something beat the egg one with that crazy person.

I James Cribb and there are more videos on the way.

Delays, Delays, Delays

The first video review as been going rocky for mouths. Because windows movie maker and the soft wear isn't the best for making videos and the other soft wear I have on my computer needs a code to make it work. So when the video is done I will upload it to my YouTube channel. Or when I get the code for the soft wear. Then videos can come out a lot faster.

I'm James Cribb and there videos on the way.